
Farooq Abdullah Warns of Gaza-Like Fate for India, Advocates Dialogue with Pakistan

In a provocative statement, National Conference MP Farooq Abdullah has cautioned that India could face a fate similar to Gaza and Palestine if it doesn’t seek resolution through dialogue with Pakistan. The former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister emphasized the importance of friendly relations with neighbors, citing the wisdom of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and current Prime Minister Narendra Modi in prioritizing dialogue over conflict.


Abdullah questioned the absence of meaningful dialogue despite the willingness expressed by Pakistan’s Nawaz Sharif. He warned that without a diplomatic solution, India might face dire consequences akin to the ongoing conflicts in Gaza and Palestine, where Israeli forces have engaged in bombings.

The statement from Abdullah comes against the backdrop of recent incidents, including the ambush in Poonch resulting in the deaths of five Indian Army soldiers, the shooting of a retired police officer inside a Baramulla mosque, and the discovery of three civilians dead after being detained for questioning by troops.

Abdullah criticized the Bharatiya Janata Party’s assertions of normalcy in Jammu and Kashmir since the revocation of its special status in 2019. He emphasized that mere claims of peace and tourist arrivals wouldn’t eradicate terrorism, stressing the need to address the root causes of the issue.

Expressing regret over the killing of the retired senior police officer in Baramulla, Abdullah argued that counterterrorism efforts by security forces alone would not end terrorism. He called for a deeper understanding of the root causes and urged the central government to acknowledge that operations alone couldn’t defeat terrorism.

The statement comes as a reflection of the tense situation in the region, with Abdullah emphasizing the importance of addressing the underlying issues to bring lasting peace. The National Conference patriarch urged a strategic approach, emphasizing that terrorism couldn’t be defeated solely through security operations.

As the region grapples with security challenges, Abdullah’s warning serves as a call for diplomatic initiatives and a comprehensive understanding of the complexities involved in resolving the longstanding issues in Jammu and Kashmir.

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