
How Artificial Intelligence in Finance Shapes Our World!

Imagine if computers could talk and help us with money things. Well, guess what? They can! It’s called Artificial Intelligence (AI), and it’s like having a super smart friend who knows a lot about money.

Making Friends with AI

Meet GenAI, the coolest AI buddy in the money world. GenAI is like a superhero for banks and money experts. It can do lots of cool tricks, like figuring out if someone is trying to trick the bank or helping companies make smart choices.

ChatGPT’s Big Debut

So, there’s this super famous GenAI called ChatGPT. It became a superstar in just two months, making more than 100 million friends around the world. That’s like having the most popular game or app ever!

How Artificial Intelligence in Finance Shapes Our World!

GenAI Helping Money Pros

Guess what banks like Capital One and JPMorgan Chase are doing? They’re using GenAI to catch bad guys trying to steal money! And Morgan Stanley is using GenAI to help their money experts learn about different companies and places around the world. It’s like having a super-smart homework helper.

But Wait… There’s a Catch

GenAI is awesome, but there are some things to be careful about. Imagine if your computer accidentally told someone your secrets or got things wrong. That wouldn’t be cool, right? GenAI can sometimes make mistakes or not understand everything perfectly. It’s a bit like when you play telephone, and the message gets mixed up.

GenAI’s Sneaky Risks

There are a few tricky things to watch out for. First, GenAI might spill the beans on private stuff. Imagine if it accidentally told someone your secrets! Not cool. Also, it could learn bad habits from the internet and start saying things that aren’t true. Yikes!

The Mystery of GenAI

GenAI is like a superhero with a secret identity. It can create cool things, but sometimes it might make up stuff that seems real but isn’t. That’s a bit like when you play pretend and make up stories with your friends.

Playing It Safe with GenAI

To be safe, we need to be careful with GenAI. Just like when you play a game, you need to know the rules. GenAI needs rules too, so it doesn’t get into trouble. If we don’t watch out, it could cause problems for banks and people’s money.

Why Does GenAI Matter to You?

Even though GenAI is like a grown-up tool for banks, it’s essential to everyone. It could affect how banks work and even your parents’ money. Imagine if the computer gave the wrong advice, and your family lost money. Not good, right?

The Big Finish

So, here’s the deal, GenAI is like having a super-smart buddy, but it’s not perfect. It needs our help to make sure it does things right. Just like you wouldn’t trust a friend who always tells silly stories, we need to keep an eye on GenAI. It’s cool, but we need to be the boss and make sure it plays by the rules.

Information sourced from the journal paper titled “Generative Artificial Intelligence in Finance: Risk Considerations” by Ghiath Shabsigh and El Bachir Boukherouaa.

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