
How to Declutter Your Home?

Decluttering your home can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right mindset and approach, you can declutter your home in no time. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best ways to declutter your home, room by room.

How to Declutter Your Home

1. Start with a plan

Before you start decluttering, it’s important to have a plan. Create a checklist of all the areas in your home that need decluttering. Focus on one room or zone within a room at a time. This will help you stay organized and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

2. Use containers to sort items

Before you start decluttering, have containers defined for the following purposes to sort items:

  • Put away: Items that have crept out of their designated storage spaces.
  • Fix/mend: Items that need something before they’re put away, such as a shirt with a missing button.
  • Recycle: Items that consist of recyclable materials.
  • Trash: Items to throw away in the household trash.
  • Donate: Unwanted items that are still in good condition and can be donated to a charitable organization or another person.

3. Keep these decluttering rules in mind

  • 20/20 Rule: Get rid of items you can either replace for $20 and under 20 minutes.
  • 80/20 Rule: According to this rule, we use 20% of our belongings 80% of the time. Either get rid of or store away the 80% that you don’t use regularly.
  • Five Second Rule: Sorting through items, give yourself five seconds to remember the last time the item was used. If you can’t remember within five seconds, it’s time to get rid of it.

4. Declutter room by room

Decluttering your entire home can be overwhelming. Instead, focus on one room or zone within a room at a time. Here are some tips for decluttering each room:

  • Bathroom: Take everything out of the medicine cabinet and discard outdated medications, makeup, and skincare products. Put everything you’re keeping immediately back into the cabinet, storing the items you use most often at eye level. Remove everything from cabinet drawers, and do a quick evaluation of what you’re keeping and what you’re tossing. Put the items you’re going to keep back into their drawers, with the items you use most often in the top drawers.
  • Bedroom: Start with your closet. Take everything out and sort it into piles: keep, donate, and toss. Be honest with yourself about what you wear and what you don’t. If you haven’t worn something in over a year, it’s time to donate or toss it. Once you’ve gone through your closet, move on to your dresser drawers and nightstands.
  • Kitchen: Start with your pantry. Take everything out and sort it into piles: keep, donate, and toss. Check expiration dates and toss anything that’s expired. Move on to your cabinets and drawers, and do the same thing. Be honest with yourself about what you use and what you don’t.
  • Living room: Start with your bookshelves. Take everything off and sort it into piles: keep, donate, and toss. Be honest with yourself about what you’ve read and what you haven’t. If you haven’t read something in over a year, it’s time to donate or toss it. Move on to your entertainment center and coffee table.

5. Use pictures to help you declutter

Pictures can be a great way to help you declutter. Take a picture of a room or area before you start decluttering. This will give you a visual reference of what the space looked like before you started. Take another picture after you’ve finished decluttering. This will give you a sense of accomplishment and motivate you to keep going.

Decluttering your home can be a challenging task, but it’s worth it. By following these tips, you can declutter your home and create a more organized and peaceful living space. Remember to take it one room at a time, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Happy decluttering!

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