
Study Links Hydroxychloroquine to Nearly 17,000 Deaths During Early Stages of COVID-19 Pandemic

A recent study conducted by French researchers has revealed a concerning correlation between the usage of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and an increase in deaths, reaching nearly 17,000 across six countries during the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. The drug, once promoted by former US President Donald Trump as a potential “magic bullet” against the virus, has been under scrutiny.

Study Links Hydroxychloroquine to Nearly 17,000 Deaths During Early Stages of COVID-19 Pandemic

Background: Trump’s Promotion and FDA Approval

During the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, former President Trump advocated for the use of hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria medicine with additional applications in treating conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Trump touted it as a “miracle” drug, even revealing that he himself was taking it as a preventative measure.

On March 28, 2020, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine, prompting clinical trials to evaluate its effectiveness against the novel coronavirus. Trump lauded the FDA’s decision, emphasizing the drug’s long history of use and suggesting it would serve as a viable antidote to curb COVID-19 transmission.

FDA Revocation and New Findings

However, in June 2020, the FDA revoked the emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine. Several studies, including one published in the New England Journal of Medicine, found no significant benefits of HCQ in treating COVID-19 and observed an alarming increase in the risk of death associated with its use.

The recent study, published in the February issue of Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, focused on data from March to July 2020 and spanned six countries: the US, Turkey, Belgium, France, Spain, and Italy. It reported a staggering 12,739 deaths in the US, with Spain, Italy, Belgium, France, and Turkey also experiencing significant fatalities linked to HCQ usage.

Findings and Concerns

The increase in deaths was primarily attributed to side effects such as heart arrhythmia and muscle weakness, raising concerns about the safety of hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 treatment. The researchers emphasized that the actual number of deaths could be higher, as their study only covered six countries during a specific timeframe.

As the debate surrounding hydroxychloroquine continues, this study adds another layer to the ongoing discourse on COVID-19 treatment strategies, urging a cautious approach and thorough examination of the potential risks associated with certain medications.

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